WHOA…we’re off to a killer start in the Zack the Zombie Exterminator Kickstarter Campaign! In our first 24 hours, we’ve reached nearly 50% funding! Seriously, thanks everyone! Thank for you for believing in our crazy redneck metal head! We promise that you’ll be entertained! When we reach our $15,000 goal, not only will be funded, but we’ll also be unlocking our first stretch goal incentive!
And for all you collectors out there, we invite you consider our Z-GONE DELUXE ZOMBIE SURIVAL KIT. For a $200 pledge, you’ll get nearly everything from the “Zack” campaign (valued at over $350!), including the set exclusive, metal-clad Zack the Zombie Exterminator #1 – Zack Edition, limited to 50! This bundle is also included for FREE with our top tier ZACK THE ZOMBIE EXTERMINATOR Z-ARMY MEGA DELUXE EDITION ($400), which immortalizes you on the front cover of a special edition comic that’s limited to just TWELVE COPIES!
Let’s keep this momentum going! Tell you friends and tell your enemies! Share our project on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! Every little bit helps towards making “Zack” a reality!
– Your Twisted Friends at Coffin Comics