We have achieved 96% completion on the Last Rites backer surveys! Thanks so much for taking the time to get your surveys completed.
Survey responses are now locked down, but you’ll still have the opportunity to change your shipping address for a limited time, if needed. To change your shipping address, simply log into your BackerKit account (if you created one). If you didn’t create a BackerKit account, you should be able to change your shipping address by visiting the survey recovery page:
NOTE: Please visit the link above if you haven’t yet completed your survey. We are still waiting for responses from 29 of you.
Shipping addresses will be finalized on Monday, August 1 at 6:00PM Arizona.
If you added items to your existing pledge through BackerKit, your cards have been charged. If your card was declined, you will receive an email from BackerKit to update your payment details. You will have until Monday, August 1 to resolve your payment if your card was declined. Any outstanding balances after this date will be dropped and those add-ons will be considered canceled.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at inquiries@coffincomics.com.
Thanks again for your support! We’re well underway to begin shipping Last Rites rewards starting the first week of August!