The Creative Independent did an interview with Coffin Comics’ very own Brian Pulido! Here’s a snippet of the interview here..
Q: Storytelling is the backbone of what you do. What was your process for discovering how to tell a good story?
BP: I became interested in telling stories as early as I can remember. And for some reason I really connected with comic book storytelling, the interplay between words and pictures. The neat thing about it is as people read it, they get to really paint the picture of what it looks like. Although in this day and age, we’re seeing these wonderful Marvel movies with these amazing special effects, I’m here to let you know that I’ve seen that by reading comics since the mid-70s. And I’ve always found that to be very exciting and unique to the form. The other thing I like about comics as a storytelling vehicle is that it actually asks something of the reader. It doesn’t do it to you. You have to do it to it—meaning it’s active. You’ve got to get in there, you’ve got to read, and you start putting the things together.
From a young age, I had this natural inclination to tell stories. It was primitive, but there was a lot of energy to it. And I was wearing my influences on my sleeve. I was reading the mid-‘70s comics of Jim Starlin and Jack Kirby. They’re the main creators that really come to my mind. What emerged over time was telling a comic book-related story as a means to have something to say about life. Now, my stuff is not necessarily deep and profound, but it’s ultimately a story about persistence. Our stories really echo these really simple principles of life, where if you want to go after something, you got to go after it. If you have to defend yourself, you go do that. Persistence really wins the day.