Thank you for your interest in submitting art samples to Coffin Comics! We’re always up for working with established professionals and looking for new, up and coming artists, and if your stuff is killer, we may consider hiring you!
Deadline: Tuesday, March 1, 2022, or sooner if Coffin decides.
Before you Submit, Please Read:
Being a successful artist in the comic book industry requires a considerable amount of skill, practice and patience. While we gladly welcome your creative submission, we review a high volume of submissions. If we are interested in working with you, we will contact you within 30 days of receiving your submission. If you don’t receive a response from us within 30 days, please consider your submission a pass.
Accepted Submissions
We are currently accepting submissions for:
- Pencilers
- Inkers
- Sequential artists
- Cover artists
- Colorists
We apologize, but we are not looking for writers or letterers at this time.
Unsolicited materials: Coffin Comics will not accept, read or consider unsolicited material, ideas, themes, concepts, or suggestions of any kind. To be straight with you: we do our own thing.
We do not provide sample scripts. Simply post your recent work. If we have interest in your art samples, we will contact you.
Submissions can be your current work. Whatever you are working on. We are NOT asking you to make new artwork. We ask that you do not.
We will not provide submission critiques. We are a small boutique company and simply do not have the manpower to give you feedback, but if you see us at a convention, schedule a time to show us your work, and we will gladly give you feedback there.
You can submit up to 5 examples.
PLEASE DO NOT SEND US DIRECT MESSAGES ON SOCIAL MEDIA. Make sure to provide your contact information when you submit. Coffin Comics does not respond directly to posts or messages regarding creative submissions on social media. We will contact you if we have interest in your work.
Submitting Samples to Coffin Comics
To submit your creative samples to us electronically, please observe the following steps:
- PENCILED OR FULL-COLOR ARTWORK: Scan your artwork at 300 dpi resolution and at least 8-bit RGB color. If you are submitting just pencils (no color), grayscale is fine. Save the file as either JPEG or PNG. Individual images should not exceed 10MB in size. Due to file size, TIFF and PSD (Photoshop) files are not accepted.
- COMPUTER-GENERATED ARTWORK: Save a copy of your artwork at 300 dpi resolution and at least 8-bit RGB color as a JPEG or PNG file. If you are submitting just pencils (no color), grayscale is fine. Individual images should not exceed 10MB in size. Due to file size, TIFF and PSD (Photoshop) files are not accepted.
- TO SUBMIT YOUR ARTWORK: Email your submission(s) to using “Creative Submission” as the subject line.
- We apologize, but we are not accepting mailed-in samples at this time.
- If you have any questions regarding creative submissions that aren’t answered here, please feel free to contact us.